Delivery Drop Off, Per Mile


This Delivery Drop Off is our standard rate for residents outside of Stillwater City Limits for orders over 250$

Days available for this delivery service are available by appointment. Please contact us before adding this product to your cart.

The fee for drop off is 2$ per mile. If you are 30 miles away you will need to update the quantity to 30. If you have a delivery coupon this fee will be deducted at the check out.

Currently our bakery studio is located at 3718 E 116th St Perkins Oklahoma. (Once our new facility is open all orders previously rated from this address will transfer over with no additional fees)

Drop Off Delivery includes all items boxed and delivered to your door. This does not include set up inside or unboxing onto your dessert table. To add on Full Service Delivery you will need to contact us directly to check availability for a select time frame for qualifying orders over $500.

DROP OFF DELIVERY TERMS: We chill our cakes before delivery to withstand heat and bumps in transportation and set up. If you should need to transport your cake again or move it to another table, you will need to keep the cake chilled to prevent damage or sliding.

Moving a cake after it softens will result in leaning layers and damage we cannot be held not responsible for. Our cake are constructed with soft fillings and European inspired buttercream and are not cemented together with sugary American buttercream paste or fondant.

After delivery your cake will need to set out a minimum of 2-4 hours to soften. If you are scheduling a delivery 8-12 hours prior to your event please keep your cake refrigerated or pastries into an airtight container.

TRANSPORTATION AFTER DELIVERY: Keep your cake refrigerated after drop off. Your order will be fully boxed and covered. Please prepare a level surface on the floor board away from any direct sunlight. Do NOT carry the cake on your lap or set it on a seat; 1. Your seats are not level and will cause a landslide. 2. They are higher up near the windows where direct sunlight will heat up the box.

Keep your cake display away from windows with direct sun and if you are setting up outdoors, they will need to be under complete shade.

The melting point of buttercream is 82 degrees and vegan butter melting point is closer to 77 degrees. If the outdoor temperature is over this, you will not be able to set the cake out for more than an hour prior to serving and it MUST be in full shade.

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